• 2024

    Kaspari, M., M. Weiser, C. Siler, K. Marshall, S. N. Smith, K. Stroh, and K. de Beurs. 2024. Capacity and establishment rules govern the number of nonnative species in communities of ground-dwelling invertebrates. Ecology and Evolution 14: e10856.

    Kirsch, M. R., S. N. Smith, K. Sankaranarayanan, D. J. Becker, J. Watters, K. A. Marske, C. D. Siler, and H. C. Lanier. 2024. Family shapes microbiome differences in Oklahoma salamanders. Frontiers in Microbiomes 3: 1277645.

  • 2023

    Reinhold, J. M., E. Halbert, M. Roark, S. N. Smith, K. M. Stroh, C. D. Siler, D. S. McLeod, and C. Lahondère. 2023. The role of Culex territans mosquitoes in the transmission of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis to amphibian hosts. Parasites and Vectors 16: 424.

    Smith, S. N., J. L. Watters, and C. D. Siler. 2023. Host ecology drives frog skin microbiome diversity across ecotone in South-Central North America. Frontiers in Microbiomes 2: 1286985.

    Watters, J. L. T. Yuri, E. S. Freitas, L. Souza, S. N. Smith, and C. D. Siler. 2023. Development of Environmental DNA assay for screening of Blanchard’s Cricket Frog (Acris blanchardi) via laboratory and field methods in Oklahoma, USA. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 103: 21–40.

  • 2022

    Nichols, M. H., S. N. Smith, J. L. Watters, and C. D. Siler. 2022. Implementation of a citizen science program to assess chytridiomycosis (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) prevalence in amphibians across Oklahoma, USA. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 102: 1–18.

    Smith, S. N., I. Schlupp, E. D. Higgins, J. L. Watters, K. -A. Bennett, S. Bräger, and C. D. Siler. 2022. Development and validation of an environmental DNA protocol to detect an invasive Caribbean freshwater fish, the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Environmental DNA 4(2): 304–310.

    Weiser, M. D., C. D. Siler, S. N. Smith, K. E. Marshall, J. F. McLaughlin, M. J. Miller, and M. Kaspari. 2022. Robust metagenomic evidence that local assemblage richness increases with latitude in ground- active invertebrates of North America. Oikos e08791.

  • 2021

    Smith, S. N., T. J. Colston, and C. D. Siler. 2021. Venomous snakes reveal ecological and phylogenetic factors influencing variation in gut and oral microbiomes. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 657754.

  • 2019

    Smith, S. N., J. L. Watters, E. D. Ellsworth, D. R. Davis, and C. D. Siler. 2019. Assessment of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and ranavirus among wild amphibians from four Philippine islands. Herpetological Review 50(4): 729–734.

    Smith, S. N., J. L. Watters, E. C. Marhanka, S. L. McMillin, D. R. Davis, J. K. Farkas, and C. D. Siler. 2019. Investigating ranavirus prevalence in central Oklahoma, USA, amphibians. Herpetological Review 50(3): 508–512.

  • 2018

    Schaper, E. G., P. J. Bergmann, G. Morinaga, J. B. Fernandez, S. N. Smith, E. D. Ellsworth, and C. D. Siler. 2018. A novel natural history observation concerning a species of Philippine Slender Skink (Brachymeles bicolor). Herpetological Review 49(4): 740–741.

  • In Review

    Blair, J. D., M. D. Weiser, C. D. Siler, M. Kaspari, S. N. Smith, J. F. McLaughlin, and K. E. Marshall 2024. A hybrid approach to invertebrate biomonitoring using computer vision and DNA metabarcoding. bioRxiv 2024-09.

  • In Progress

    Smith, S. N., Fernandez, J. B., and C. D. Siler. Near submission ready. Bending the rules of island biogeography: Microbiome diversity decreases with increased island size among insular reptilian hosts in the Philippines.